
Francesco Marilungo / Körper (IT)

In residence from 26 to 30 June
Return 30th June 19.45

Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo

Project realized in collaboration with Short Theatre

Stuporosa takes as reference the study “Death and ritual mourning” by Ernesto De Martino to develop a choreographic study on the so called ‘lament without soul’ on the figure of the mourner. The title of the project is a quotation of De Martino: stuporosa is the groggy stupour, that state of catatonia that can manifest itself in the individual attempt to overcome the mourning for the loss of a loved one. A reflection on the act of crying, on the state of mourning and on the importance of a funeral ritual - religious or secular - to give meaning to death.


Direction and choreography : Francesco Marilungo
with Alice Raffaelli, Barbara Novati, Roberta Racis, Francesca Ugolini, Vera di Lecce
production Körper | Centro di Produzione Nazionale della Danza
with the support of IntercettAzioni - Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia with the support of Did Studio, Base Milano, Dracma and Teatro Akropolis – Progetto CURA

Francesco Marilungo has been working since 2010 as a performer for Enzo Cosimi, Mara Cassiani, Antonio Marras, Jonathan Burrows/Matteo Fargion and Alessandro Sciarroni. At the same time he starts creating his own works. He participated with his first solo Emily at the International dancing Competition of Danza Out Salicedoro (first prize and Armunia Prize) and in 2014 was selected by the network Anticorpi XL for the Showcase of the Young Dance with Siegfried. His work Paradisewinner of the NEXT 2015/2016 call of the Lombardy region, premiered at the Danae Festival 2015 and was selected by the Anticorpi XL network for the Showcase of Young Dance 2016. New Horizona project supported by the European network Open Latitudes, debuts in world premiere at Danae Festival 2016. Love Souvenirwinner of the Inteatro Festival call and of the Next 2017/2018 call of the Lombardy region, debuts in absolute premiere at Inteatro Festival 2018. His latest work, Party Girlwinner of the Prospettiva Danza 2020 award and the Cross Award 2020, was selected for the Nid New Italian Dance Platform 2021. 



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